Dual N-Back

Flutter • Dart • Play Store • State Management

Try it out!  https://go-dual-n-back.web.app/

(⚠ Web performance is choppy for Flutter.  Animations may be slow.  Web is not my primary target).

Source: https://gitlab.com/ciph3rzer0/mind-games

Skills Developed



Dual N-Back was very easy to put together.  I had already learned Flutter and Bloc by building a standard Todo app, so this only took a few evenings.  However I realized quickly that a simple instructions page was not enough for users to understand how to play.  I spent a month iterating on a few different tutorial designs, smooth animations, and general polish.

Instructions page:

I had a lot of fun making this.  Getting all the animations to work out was kinda challenging but I'm very satisfied with the results.  All of the components being used are the same widget that's used in game.  Part of the challenge was making everything reusable and dynamic.

Interactive Tutorial:

Ultimately the most effective teaching method was the interactive tutorial.  This was pretty easy to do since I coded the game with Flutter BLoC logic (state management for Flutter kind of like Redux).

The single most effective tool was the feedback icons that pop up on each button click.  The green checkmark flying up and into its spot in the score track is most satisfying.